I Want To Believe
Are We Alone

Evolution, Mankind And Our History

Man is the smartest, rational thinking creature on earth. We use 10% of our cerebral capacity, only the dolphins use 20% of their brain power. Until this day it is unknown why we cannot utilize more of our brain but this little 10% section.
While the majority of mankind believes man evolved from one cell spliced into two and the ripple effect caused the modern man, there is undeniable proof that mankind's 'evolution' had help. Our similarity to the ape is given, however why don't apes have another human today? It is a fact that our human shell was created on earth and grew over millions of years, but there is no scientific nor biological explanation how our brain has developed so tremendously over the last 200,000 years.

The Last 100 Years

Mankind has been around for over 6.5 million years and has 'evolved' over all this time, but until about 200,000 years ago man has made no leaps towards actually advancing his brain. Suddenly rationalized thinking kicked in to where we've created an actual process of thought, comprehension and were able to communicate. We've created mysterious architecture, justice systems, infrastructure and a modern life out of nowhere. Until the late 1800s, people still rode horses and used fire to light the night as they did hundreds and thousands of years before that and then again within the short span of just over 100 years, this mankind of ours
created electricity, found radioactivity, built cars, flew into outer space, stepped foot on the moon, created computers and cellular devices that within a few years were able to connect every single person on this planet with one another. No one questions why it took 6.5 million years to reach this point and why the majority happened within a mere few thousand years of it? Did we have help from others, others that have been there from the very dawn of the modern man... and is there a reason why no official government supports inquiries into the truth but simply follows Darwin's flawed theory and uses religions and inefficient history as a decoy...

Governments, Illuminati And Their Mindgames

From the beginning of modern thinking, man has been imprisoned in a brainwashing system called government. Whether it was the old Egypt where sungods were hailed, the ancient Rome where people like Cesar ruled anything and anybody, up to recent historic people such as Napoleon who moved at his own pace, Adolf Hitler who was able to manipulate millions of people to follow him and execute his orders - all the way up to the recent government systems all over the planet.

Governments are overseen by what conspiracy theorists call 'Illuminatis' or other unofficial societies or ruling groups of individuals above official governments that are most likely connected to mankind's extraterrestrial creators or they might be the creators themselves.

Aside from old-fashioned governments such as China or Russia, the most manipulating governments in the world remain the new-age thinkers in Europe and most of all the United States of America. It was western countries that were in the possession of the first nuclear weapon, western countries that took credit for developing electricity, cars or most recently computer and information technologies.
It's been the USA who has tried to dominate any recent wars from World War II to the Korean or Vietnam War and the recent conflicts in the Middle East - the question remains why did this young simple nation called U.S.A. always interfere in disputes other countries had, disputes that had no effect on their homeland whatsoever?
Western governments and their Illuminati leaders, spearheaded by the United States, created a make-believe world as they put their own citizens and the majority of brainwashable invidivuals in the world in a bubble telling them 'We are the good ones, helping the weak in need' or just implement some illogic patriot act to where american or european soil is at stake with absolute no logic as the so-called 'enemy' is actually 5,000-10,000 miles away? If we dive deep into plausible conspiracies we will always find the US involved in actually creating the very conflicts, wars or disasters they then intervene in...

The most recent mindgame set in New York City on 9/11/2001 has pointed fingers towards a rather unknown group of simple people in the Middle East, headed by one single scape goat. As a result the USA found sympathy in other western countries and has spent years and trillions of dollars to revenge an attack on deceived 'free' country. Many logically thinking people realized the sloppy inexistencies of this very incident and the US government simply shut any questions and rumors down by saying those are "conspiracy theories" to enforce their stance on a conspiracy being a lie.
The true agenda was to shift ownership of land and move precious goods and/or boost the inflated financial economy of the USA. The after effect of this hostile yet very small unnoticeable act of terror in the big picture has created a world war that accumulated massive amounts of wealth for the USA, a war that started with hunting the ones supposedly responsible for this attack, but ended nowhere but taking over foreign land with commodity resources. It was, is and always will be about power, about gold, oil or other materialistic values that humans tend to believe are worth something.

Control and Distraction:

The creation of information technologies has the sole purpose to supervise every single move that every single person on earth can make, and people are manipulated into sharing personal information about their thoughts, whereabouts and actions. Information that eventually will work against them. Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms are nothing but sources of information that run themselves and provide the Illuminati and their employed governments with enough information to feel secure and in power.
Should anyone ever come too close to the truth, or is able to comprehend life on a large scale, governments create new tensions amongst its people (based on their religion or color), create a new war (preferably in the Middle East as it seems simple), come up with a new or re-introduce an old disease (Ebola, Aids, Bird flu, Swine Flu,...) or fill the media with conservative issues (same-sex marriage or general equalization).
In the end man remains man regardless of their faith, color, sexual desires or background - but society and governments teach us from the very beginning to hate, to see a difference, to segregate in mind and reality - just to have a tool of power over every single one to create tensions and issues and a perfect distraction in times of need.
In recent years "political correctness" has been introduced to where the leaders push a certain agenda of their liking, brainwash society over and over with official and social media, highlight partly staged crimes and force the regular person to follow suit or be outcast... and everyone participates out of fear to be isolated by thinking different.


Extraterrestrial Connection

It is easy to say there are no aliens, because mankind has been manipulated by following religious fairy tales for thousands of years. Tales that are mostly based on petroglyphic drawings open for interpretation in the ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, but then feature a divine super hero that pushes an agenda. Faith was taught, initially to create some sort of power over anyone that is open to believe and purposely took away the urge for inquiries in extraterrestrial architects and the truth about humanity. Man is pushed into believing that Moses split the seas, Jesus walked on water or an angel impregnating a virgin woman but the idea of there being another form of life in a universe so gigantic that we cannot even comprehend, is pathetic... This is how powerful the leaders of this world are and how mesmerized they have people with their stories...

The Creators Are Amongst Us

Media repeatedly denies the existence of aliens, yet no one can explain the existence of pyramids and nobody can prove the "entire" process of evolution in a scientific nor biological way. Since there are rebels of any agenda, leaders stage occurrences and use their media to feed those stories to those who are seeking (Roswell NM 1947 incident, for example).
Truth is we are extraterrestrial, to a huge part. All our modern and rationalized being is not from this planet, our primitive cells are. And just like WE were biologically created through self-replication of cells and later on scientifically altered and enhanced, so were our creators. Another form of life from a different place in the universe has another older form of evolution - we all come from nothing and we all are energy. Which makes is so hard to find the origin of EXISTENCE...
Our creators came a long time ago and made us in their image for reasons unknown to us. Some of those creators left, but a huge part was left behind. They live here, amongst us, maybe even next door to us. They look like us, they act like us, the blend in like a rose in a garden of flowers. But they are indeed the key to everything we seek, yet even they have their own lives and try to advance.

Life is nothing but experience, a brief moment when energy takes on matter and together creates a form of life, a form that can be touched and seen. And once man dies it returns back to energy and will be created again once it binds with matter: the neverending cycle of life.