Creation & Evolution: History of Mankind
Science & Creation

Who Are We

This is a question that we could only answer with assumptions. Our rational thinking allows us to understand basic science or at least we'd like to think that we understand it. Our logic thinking and the life experiences that we've had and that were taught by our ancestry and throughout our brief history let us try to understand what life is all about. So we assume how space was created, we assume how earth was formed and biological science assumes how life was created and how evolution happened. We assume it all because in our logic state of mind it seems right...

Abiogenesis And The Creation Of Man

Once earth became habitable, a natural process occurred over time by which life created from non-living matter by molecular self-replication. It is assumed that the earliest plants are as old as 1 billion years, followed by invertebrate animals and four-limbed animals around 400 millions years ago. Amphibians date back 360 million years, first reptiles and mammals to 200-300 million years, followed by birds, flowers and finally primates which are assumed to have come around 60 million years ago. Those primates inhabited every continent, but most of them lived in tropical or subtropical regions of the Americas,
Africa and Asia. Science suggests that the earliest Homininis existed around 25 million years ago who eventually evolved into the Sahelanthropus, which was the last common Chimpanzee–human ancestor. The first human predecessor developed around 6.5 million years ago, we call them "homo".

Natural instincts let the homo hunt, eat and live. He had no forms of communication other than making primordial noises, had no rational thinking and remained primitive and equal to anything else living on planet earth... until about 200,000 years ago. Over a short period of time this primitive homo developed rational thinking and about 100,000 years later the first actual languages were developed due to the sudden appearance of the HAR1 genome in the homo's DNA. Science and human biology is based on our primitive rational thinking, so there are hundreds and thousands of theories and each will try to fill the gaps in our evolution with nonsense, just so we can give ourselves an explanation about its existence.

Charles Darwin And The Missing Link

The naturalist Charles Darwin created the most recent and widely accepted theory of evolution through natural selection which means that the best of one group of hominids would mate with the best of another group of hominids, the eventual offspring then would again mate with the best of another group of homonids all over.
While this theory might be correct up until about 200,000 years ago the socalled "missing link" sets in as Darwin's theory cannot explain the sudden creation of highly advanced genomes in our DNA. And by closing our primitive minds and simply rely on our logical scientific and biological evolution theories we might lock ourselves out of the true secret of our existence...

The HAR1A Genome And The Modern Man

Sometime between 400,000 and 100,000 years ago this primitive hominid was suddenly enhanced with the HAR1A (Human accelerated region 1), a segment of the human genome found on the long arm of chromosome 20. This genome allows for homonoids to speak, permits rational thinking and logic. So one must ask how could natural selection allow for an advanced genome to be created without ever having any traits of it in its DNA...

For millions of years the hominid did not evolve much but in a matter of a few thousand years he suddenly advances at the speed of light? The question bears, how did the homo obtain this genome that eventually created the modern man... what or who is this "missing link" that caused this very genome to appear... what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago in human evolution...

Every logic tells us that if you mix the color blue with the color yellow you will get green. But if you only keep mixing blue with blue, how could you ever achieve green? The same happens in Darwin's theory, you have the simple human "homo" that keeps procreating with other simple humans, even if it's the best mating with the best, you could impossibly create a super human... UNLESS one simple human "homo" was eventually mixed with another form of life that was a chromosome match, terrestrial or extraterrestrial. A form that was enhanced with all those additional genomes from rational thinking to creating languages and communicate.
If we were BLUE, and now we are GREEN... who was YELLOW... or who IS YELLOW...